Cheat Ninja Saga Thanksgiving 2012 - Hallo sobat A-X
Hari ini nih , buat yang suka sama NS , gua mau share cheatnya
Mumpung lagi ada event baru Thanksgiving Event . .
Event ini buat dapetin Pet Gratis / Free , Harus punya 3 atau 25 Feather Rainbow
Cheat ini cheat 1 hit kill boss , Ok deh langsung aja yok
Siapkan bahan-bahan yang di perlukan :
- Cheat Engine 6.2
- Chrome / Mozilla
Step by A-X :
1.Open NS
2.Open Cheat Engine
3.Select Target Process
4.Change '4Bytes' to ' Array of bytes'
5.Scan Code : 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
6.You will have 1 Address , Block the address
7.Change code / Value to : 62 04 D3 24 64 A0 A2
8.Go to Hunting house , And kill the boss
9.Enjoy the feather rainbow
Video by Cheat-Afrix : [ HERE ]
Kalo ada yang ga ngerti , contact gua aja ya !!
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